Friday 2 May 2014

Deca Durabolin Abuse - Recommended Dose Of Deca Durabolin
An anabolic androgenic steroid that was originally developed to treat wasting diseases, Deca Durabolin or Nandrolone Decanoate is a performance enhancing drug used by male and female bodybuilders to experience dramatic changes in performance and ability to handle intense workouts.

This Schedule III drug has an active life of 14-16 days and is detectable over a period of 16-18 months. Deca Durabolin has the molecular weight of 428.65 g/mol at the base and its molecular formula is C28H44O3. Deca has the anabolic/androgenic ratio of 125:37 and the chemical name of 19-nor-androst-4-en-3-one-17beta-ol.

The ideal dose of Deca Durabolin for men is doses of 2mg per pound of body weight or 250–500mg per week though some men may administer Deca in low doses at 200mg per week or as high as 400mg per week. Female athletes, on the other hand, generally use this steroid in doses of 50 to 150mg per week.

Deca Durabolin Abuse-Recommended Dose Of Deca Durabolin
Deca is not advised to patients with debilitating health conditions such as breast cancer with high calcium levels, severe kidney impairment, prostate cancer, and hypersensitivity. This steroid should not be used by women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or keen to get pregnant while using this steroid. While using this steroid, athletes and others should regularly monitor liver function and blood cholesterol. Overdosing of this steroid should always be avoided as it may lead to chills, sleeplessness, skin pigmentation, decreased sexual drive, nausea, and diarrhea. Deca Durabolin abuse may also result in increased level of calcium in blood when overdosed by female users.

Deca Durabolin overdosing can even lead to testicular atrophy, gynecomastia (including lactation in rare cases), and sexual dysfunction. Long-term abuse of this drug can result in withdrawal of ovarian action, elevated blood pressure, shrinking of the testicles, bone age advancement, atrophy of the breasts, early epiphyseal closure, hypercalcaemia, hypercalciuria, suppression of ovarian activity, edema, and depression.

Thursday 1 May 2014

SARMs and its Effectiveness

Selective Androgen Receptor modulator abbreviated as SARMs is a rare quality class of molecules that are under development to fight diseases that are currently being treated with anabolic androgenic steroids. It is classified together with therapeutic compounds with identical properties to those of anabolic agents. This property gives SARMs advantage of tissue selectivity, androgen – receptor specificity and counters steroid related side effects.
The ratio of SARMs anabolic to androgenic ratio is as high as 10:1. This makes them highly effective to muscle building with little efforts. They exhibit high bioavailability ensuring absorption and effective utilization.

How They Work

The Androgen Receptor (AR) is the cellular receptor confined by the androgens. The Androgen/receptor bound combines with another similar compound and moves all the way to the cell nucleus, where gene transcription takes place. This is one of the popular mechanisms on how androgen such as anabolic steroids takes effect on the cells. 

SARMs are capable of overtaking androgen for all functions and practical intentions and play the same role towards its effectiveness on muscle tissues such as testosterone. The Androgen Receptor plays a very important role in the development and the overall operation of accessory sexual organs, bone, skeletal muscles as well as otherorgans.

When SARMs are bid to the receptor they are able to showcase hypertrophic activity to both muscle and bone which makes it the most qualified for replacement of androgen therapy, treating Osteoporosis and wasting of muscles. They bind the receptor and align it properly and uniquely from the typical androgen receptors stimulator and hence are able to change the transcription process of the genes in way that is specific to tissue.


SARMS are non toxic to the liver and rarely pose threat on the blood pressure. This kills the need for pre-loading support cycle supplements. SARM cycle is also less expensive compared to the tradition steroid/prohormone cycle. 

Research also indicates that the use of SARM can lead to loss of fat hence creating lean muscle tissue. The fat shedding objectives can also be achieved in a short period of time by the person was take in steroids.

Types of SARMS

GW 501516

This modulation enables the body to make use of the glucose and create more muscle tissue. It also controls the protein used by the body to provide energy.

LGD 4033

LGD 4033 is highly powerful and suppressive to the Hypothalamus Pituitary Testes Axis, which is the gonadal glands and pituitary glands that play the role in development controlling of the reproductive and immune system.

MK 677 (Ibutamoren)

This is an orally active and unique agonist in secretion of boosting receptor. This mimics the action of ghrelin in the stomach raising the hormone growth and the levels of IGF – 1 though it has no effect on the cortisol levels. 

Other types of SARMS include Octarine, RAD 140.

In conclusion I would recommend potential body builders to make use of SARMS as their positive effects can widely be seen. They are capable of building muscle, burn fat and strengthen your bones.